
Metal Bondage Collar
DKK 719.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Metal Bondage Collar Brushed steel necklace with built-in lock.Detachable O-ring and 2 pcs. associated keys.The metal collar has a width of 3 cm and a thickness of 0.7 cm. XS = 31.4 cm in inner circumference (12.36 inch).S = 34.5 cm in inner circumference (13.58 inch).M = 36.7 cm in inner circumference (14.46 inch).L = 40.8 cm in inner circumference (16.06 inch).XL = 44.0 cm in inner circumference (17.32 inch).2XL = 47.1 cm in inner circumference (18.54 inch). Note! Sizes tolerance up to +/- 0.3 cm (0.12 inch)Note! 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters.
Oval Metal Bondage Chains (Wrist & Ankles)
DKK 719.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Oval Metal Bondage Chains (Wrist & Ankles) Metal Chains in brushed steel with built-in lock.Oval chains that sit perfectly on the wrist.Set of 2 pcs. chains.High quality and with removable O-ring.Incl. 2 pcs. associated keys for each link.3 cm wide and 0.7 cm thick.Can be used for wrists, upper arms and ankles. S = 17.3 cm in inner circumference (C 6.0 cm x 5.0 cm).M = 18.8 cm in inner circumference (C 6.5 cm x 5.5 cm).L = 20.4 cm in inner circumference (C 7.0 cm x 6.0 cm).XL = 23.6 cm in inner circumference (C 8.0 cm x 7.0 cm).2XL = 25.1 cm in inner circumference (C 8.5 cm X 7.5 cm). Note! Sizes may differ by up to +/- 3 mm.
Justérbar S/M Kors
DKK 5,599.20
Sold Out!
Justérbar SM Kors i Metal.Du bestemmer selv, om armene skal vende op - eller nedad.Stabilt og med mange muligheder for at fastspænde krop, hals, arme og ben.Det er utroligt nemt, at skille korset ad og lægge det under sengen hvis der kommer gæster.Med sine kun 12 cm i højden adskilt, er der absolut ingen undskyldninger for plads mangel.
S/M Gabestok
DKK 4,799.20
Sold Out!
Beskrivelse: Det mest kendte møbel i SM verden er gabestokken.Denne smarte gabestok kan justeres i højden, så offeret både kan stå op og ligge på knæ mens han / hun er fastspændt.Det er utroligt nemt, at skille gabestokken ad og stille det bag en dør eller lægge det under sengen hvis der f.eks. kommer gæster, så der er absolut ingen undskyldninger for plads mangel.Kan nemt gemmes væk f.eks. under sengen, under sofaen eller bag en dør.Dette S/M møbel sættes sammen med tilhørende skruer.Efter brug kan der komme synlige mærker af skruer i metallet.Specifikationer:Højde 145 cm (Kun 12 cm adskilt)Bredde: 85 cmLængde: 100 cmHals Omkreds: 45 cmHåndled Omkreds: 6x5 cm (BxH) Vægt: 13,3 kg
DoggyStyle Bondage Bænk
DKK 5,599.20
Sold Out!
DoggyStyle Bondage Bænk med sort PVC overtræk så man ligger behageligt og med justérbar støtte ved maven, samt plads til at fastgøre stropper til fiksering.10 strap-huller for fastgørelse. Her er det kun fantasien der sætter grænser, når dit offer ligger fastbundet.Med denne Dungeon Bondage Bænk, er det ingen sag, at gemme legetøjet væk når man har gæster eller børn. Bondage Bænken kan nemlig nemt og hurtigt samles eller skilles ad og gemmes væk. f.eks. under sengen, under sofaen eller bag en dør.
Spanking Hest
DKK 3,199.20
Sold Out!
Spanking Hest i metal med overtræk i sort PVC.Denne "bend over" Spanking Hest er simpel, nem og ligetil.Bondage bukken kommer med 8 strap-huller med muligheder for, at fastgøre reb eller remme til både arme og ben.Også kroppen kan fastgøres meget nemt på denne S/M-Hest og så kan den nemt adskilles og gemmes væk.
Spanking Bænk
DKK 3,999.20
Sold Out!
Spanking Bænk til afstraffelse af dit offer med 3 PVC overtrukket områder til behagelighed.9 strap-huller for fastgørelse bl.a. et ved hals / hoved som ikke ses på billederne.S/M Spanking Bænken kan nemt adskilles og gemmes væk.
Justérbar Mini Slave Bænk
DKK 3,199.20
Sold Out!
Meget justérbar Mini Slave Bænk som kan justeres i højde til hoved og mave, samt længde til arme og ben.4 strap-huller for fastgørelse. Kan bruges af / på alle personer.Praktisk er, at man kan nemt tage denne Mini Slave Bænk med hvor som helst i f.eks. en sports taske.Her er der absolut ingen undskyldninger for pladsmangel, for S/M-Bænken kan stort set gemmes overalt.
Bondage Pæl
DKK 3,199.20
Sold Out!
Metal møbel som hurtig kan opsættes efter behov.Justerbar bjælke med o-ringe til fastgørelse af hænder i evt. manchetter og justerbar 45 cm halsbånd i højden.Kun fantasien sætter grænser med denne bondage stolpe hvor der er mange muligheder og så er det utroligt nemt, at skille ad og lægge den under f.eks. sengen, hvis der kommer gæster.
Small Silver Heart Padlock
DKK 23.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Small Silver Heart Padlock Small silver-colored heart padlock for e.g. cuffs or other bondage equipment.Incl. 1 piece associated key for closing. Dimensions for small silver heart lock: 2.5 cm x 3.2 cmDimensions for big silver heart lock: 3.0 cm x 4.0 cm
Little Gold Heart Padlock
DKK 23.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Small Gold Heart Padlock Small gold-colored heart padlock for e.g. cuffs or other bondage equipment.Incl. 1 piece associated key for closing. Dimensions for small gold heart lock: 2.5 cm x 3.2 cmDimensions for big gold heart lock: 3.0 cm x 4.0 cm
Double carabiner
DKK 31.20
Product available with different options
Double Carabiner which can be used for a link between cuffs or from cuffs to collars. Length of carabiner: 85 mm, 88 mm (Chrome Plated), 90 mm, 100 mm or 120 mm. (3.5 inchs, 3.9 inchs or 4.7 inchs)
Bondage Metal O-Ring Suspension
DKK 39.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Bondage BDSM Metal O-Ring Suspension. For hanging in the living room, bedroom or on the bed frame. Inner circumference of the ring = Ø 52 mm.The outer circumference of the ring = Ø 65 mm.Ring thickness = 6 mm.The total dimensions of the plate = 45 x 70 mm.With hanging O-ring = 70 x 80 cm.
Wide Rubber Harness
DKK 583.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Wide Latex Harness Harness 8 cm wide belt.6 cm wide braces.Large metal buckles for closing. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Waist circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Wide Belt Harness With Straps
DKK 959.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Wide Harness and Belt Harness 16 cm wide belt.4 cm wide harness straps.Shows your beautiful belly.Large O-ring in the middle of the back.O-ring on the back of the belt for fixation.Quality ranges. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy RubberWith or without lacing rings in belt holes.Waist circumference. When you choose 'waist circumference', 12-15 cm will be for free stomach. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Rubber Leg Harness
DKK 399.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Latex Leg Harness 2.5 cm wide belt and leg harness.O-rings which give naughty details.Quality ranges. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy RubberWith or without lacing rings in belt holes.Waist circumference.Thigh circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Wide Latex Collar with O-ring
DKK 399.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Wide Latex Collar with O-ring 8 cm wide posture necklace.O-ring at the front.Fits neck from 33-43 cm. You can choose: 1, 2 or 3 mm thick Latex.Natural Rubber or Blank Rubber.Regular buckle or lockable buckle.With or without lacing rings. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Rubber Bondage Belt
DKK 1,279.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Latex Bondage Belt 17 cm wide belt with straps for adjustment.Body-shaped belt for a perfect fit over the hips.12 pcs. Quality ranges.6 pieces. D-rings for fastening. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Blank Rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckles or lockable buckles.Waist circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Rubber Belt With D-Rings
DKK 279.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Latex Belt With D-rings 7 cm wide Latex belt.Large buckle for closing at the front.3 pieces. D-rings.Body-hugging belt for perfect attachment. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Blank RubberWith or without lacing rings in belt holes.Waist circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page! Note! Belt comes in 6.6 cm width, as 7 cm currently is out of stock!
Rubber Breast Harness
DKK 279.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Latex Breast Harness 1.5 cm wide harness straps.Buckle at the back for closing.Highlights your breasts.Perfect for a top, bra or nude. You choose: 1, 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy RubberWith or without lacing rings in belt holes.Under Breast circumference.Distance from top shoulder to nipple. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Rubber Bust Net Harness
DKK 599.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Latex Bust Net Harness 1.5 cm wide Latex straps.3 pieces. buckles as closure at the back.3 pieces. D-rings at the back for straps.Top with built-in necklace. You can choose: 1, 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Under Bust circumference.Distance from top shoulder to nipple. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
2 cm Rubber Ankle & Heel Bondage
DKK 383.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
2 cm Rubber Ankle & Heel Bondage 5 cm wide ankle cuffs.2 cm Strap that prevents the footwear from coming off.Fetish Ankle Cuffs for stilettos & boots. You can choose: Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckle or lockable buckle.Ankle circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Latex Bondage Cuffs
DKK 319.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Latex Bondage Cuffs 5 cm wide latex cuffs for wrists.Set of 2 pcs.D-rings for fastening.Quality ranges.Very popular "Heavy Duty Rubber" bondage cuffs.Fits wrists 16-27 cm. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckles or lockable buckles. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Rubber Bondage Mask
DKK 479.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Latex Bondage Mask "Gag" mask which can be adjusted with straps behind the head.Large T / O ring for attachment to e.g. a walk. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckles or lockable buckles.Mouth / neck circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Latex Band for Upper Arm, Wrist & Neck
DKK 63.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Latex Band for Upper Arm, Wrist & Neck You get a completely 'plain' raw latex look.Lace for binding. You can choose: 1, 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or PVC Rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Rubber Width (Lacing ring is placed on the wide side)Rubber Length. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Rubber Body Net Harness
DKK 1,359.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Latex Krop Net Harness 2.5 cm wide Latex straps.3 pieces. quality ranges at the rear.O-rings between straps for a perfect look. You can choose: 1, 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckle or lockable buckle.Waist circumference.Neck circumference.Distance from waist - over the shoulder and to waist on the back. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Rubber BDSM Belt
DKK 623.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Latex BDSM Belt Nice 'plain' bondage belt with 2 buckle straps.10 cm wide belt with straps for adjustment.3 pieces. D-rings for clamping arms or legs. You choose: Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckles or lockable buckles.waist circumference. Please note! When choosing regular buckles are buckles 3.5 cm, while lockable buckles are 3.0 cm. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Latex Hole Rivet Necklace
DKK 119.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Latex Hole Rivet Necklace 2 cm wide Latex necklace with hollow rivets.2 pcs. D-rings in neck.Simple and stylish necklace. You can choose: 1, 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.Regular buckle or lockable buckle.Neck circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Large O-ring Latex Collar
DKK 119.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Large O-ring Latex Collar 2.5 cm wide Latex necklace.Large O-ring at the front.Quality buckle at the back.Perfect for the slave. You can choose: 1, 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckle or lockable buckle.Neck circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Latex D-ring Collar
DKK 119.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Latex D-ring Necklace 2.5 cm wide Latex necklace.D-ring at the front as a nice detail.Quality buckle at the back.Perfect for a walk in the city. You choose: 1, 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckle or lockable buckle.Neck circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Double Rubber O-Ring Collar
DKK 279.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Double Rubber O-Ring Necklace 3.5 cm wide Latex necklace.Nice O-ring detail on the front.Quality buckle at the back.Perfect for the slave who dares. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckle or lockable buckle.Neck circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Simple Latex O-ring Collar
DKK 119.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Simple Latex O-ring Collar 2.5 cm wide Latex collar.Large O-ring at the front.Quality buckle at the back. You can choose: 1, 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckle or lockable buckle.Neck circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Latex Triple Collar
DKK 279.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Latex Triple Collar 6 cm wide Latex collar.3 x 1.5 cm wide strapsSide pieces as naughty details.3 pieces. buckles at the rear.Naughty collar for the submissive. You can choose: 1, 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Neck circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Double O-ring Latex Collar
DKK 119.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Double O-ring Latex Collar 2 cm wide Latex necklace.2 pcs. O-rings in front.Buckle at the back.Love O-rings? You can choose: 1, 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckle or lockable buckle.Neck circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Small D-ring Latex Necklace
DKK 119.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Small D-ring Latex Necklace 2 cm wide Latex necklace.Small D-ring at the front.Buckle at the back.To the adorable slave. You can choose: 1, 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckle or lockable buckle.Neck circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
'Plain' Latex Collar
DKK 119.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
'Plain' Latex Collar Beautiful shiny Glossy Rubber necklace.Simple stylish Latex necklace.Push button closure at the back.Constantly tight feeling around the neck. You can choose: 1 or 2 mm thick Glossy Rubber.Neck circumference.Width of the collar. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Thick Rubber Bondage
DKK 343.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Thick Rubber Bondage One Size to suit everyone.12 cm wide Latex bondage.3 x 2.5 cm wide straps all the way around.3 pieces. quality ranges.Total hand fixation. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckles or lockable buckles. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Latex D-ring & Hjerte Halsbånd
DKK 119.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Latex D-ring & Heart Necklace 2.5 cm wide Latex necklace.Silver heart padlock at the front.Not adjustable.Incl. silver heart lock.To the slave in love. You can choose: 1, 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.Neck circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Latex Bracelet With O-ring
DKK 119.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Latex Bracelet With O-ring 1 piece. 5 cm wide Latex bracelet.Large O-ring.Buckle at the back.Nice detail for your outfit. You can choose: 1, 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Wrist circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Latex Bracelet With D-ring
DKK 119.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Latex Bracelet With D-ring 1 piece. 4 cm wide Latex bracelet.Small D-ring.Buckle at the back.Delicious detail for the next party. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Wrist circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Latex Bracelet With T/O Ring
DKK 159.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Latex Bracelet With T/O Ring 1 piece. 4 cm wide Latex bracelet.Large T / O ring.Quality buckle at the back.Show who you are for the world. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.Regular buckle or lockable buckle.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Wrist circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Wide Lockable Latex Cuff
DKK 223.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Wide Lockable Latex Cuff 1 piece. 8 cm wide Latex bracelet.2 x 2 cm wide straps.2 pcs. D-rings.2 quality buckles at the rear.Show what you're worth. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckles or lockable buckles.Wrist circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
BauFix Bondage Rubber Belt
DKK 399.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
BauFix Bondage Latex Belt 8 cm wide Latex bondage belt.3 pieces. quality T / O rings.3 mm thick rubber.Padlock hinge front.Not adjustable. Measure your life carefully.Excl. padlock. You can choose: Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.Waist circumference. (Write the exact waist width (in cm) in the field). Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Double Strap Rubber Bondage Belt
DKK 639.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Double Strap Latex Bondage Belt 8 cm / 10 cm wide Latex bondage belt.2 pcs. straps for closure.Padlock socket front for locking.Adjustable nice waist belt.Excl. padlock. You can choose: Feminine model or Masculine model.2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.Waist circumference.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckles or lockable buckles. Feminine model:8 cm wide belt with 2 x 2 cm wide straps. Masculine model:10 cm wide belt with 2 x 2.5 cm wide straps. Info:Whether you choose regular buckles or lockable buckles, the belt comes with large padlock option. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Rubber O-ring Belt
DKK 239.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Rubber O-ring Belt 5 cm wide Latex O-ring belt.Large O-ring at the front as a naughty detail.Quality 2-pin buckle at the back as a closure.Wear the belt on the outside of a top or for lingerie. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.Waist circumference.With or without lacing rings in belt holes. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Rubber O-ring Belt
DKK 279.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Latex O-ring Belt 2.5 cm wide Latex O-ring belt.Large O-rings all around.Quality buckle at the front as a closure.Use the belt for a pair of jeans or leggings. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.Waist circumference.With or without lacing rings in belt holes. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Basic Latex Bondage Belt With D-rings
DKK 319.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Basic Latex Bondage Belt With D-rings 5 cm wide Latex bondage belt.3 mm thick rubber.3 quality D-rings for fastening.Quality buckle at the front.Perfect for fixing hands or feet. You can choose: Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckle or lockable buckle.Waist circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Latex 3D Collar With Large O-ring
DKK 279.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Latex 3D Collar With Large O-ring 4 cm wide Latex collar.Large O-ring at the front.3 small D-rings that hold O-ring.Quality buckle at the back.Naughty necklace for fine use. You can choose: 1, 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.Regular buckle or lockable buckle.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Neck circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Rubber Belt Harness
DKK 439.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Rubber Belt Harness 2.5 cm wide belt and harness harness.O-rings and buckles which give naughty details.3 quality ranges total. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Waist circumference.Distance from waist - over the shoulder and to waist on the back. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Rubber Full Body Harness
DKK 703.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Latex Full Body Harness 2.0 cm wide full body harness.11 O-rings and 5 buckles which gives a naughty look.5 pcs. buckles total. You can choose: 1, 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Chest circumference.Thigh circumference.Distance from top shoulder to nipple. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Rubber Leg Harness With D-rings
DKK 383.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Latex Leg Harness With D-rings Wide rubber belt.2.5 cm wide rubber straps on legs.6 x D-rings and buckles in the best quality.3 x quality ranges total.You can choose the 'look', whether the belt buckle should sit in front or behind.Excl. harness on the upper body. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy RubberWith or without lacing rings in belt holes.Waist circumference.Thigh circumference.Distance from navel to crotch. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Rubber Butt Harness
DKK 639.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Latex Numse Harness 2.5 cm wide butt harness.O-rings at the back which give nice details.D-ring at the back. (It's a little hard to see in the photo)3 quality ranges total. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Hip circumference.Thigh circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
2.5 cm Rubber Dog Leash
DKK 183.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
2.5 cm Rubber Dog Leash 3 mm thick rubber.2.5 cm wide Latex dog leash.Quality carbine for attachment.You choose the length of the dog leash. You can choose: Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.Length 25, 50, 75 or 100 cm. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Latex Bondage Collar
DKK 303.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Latex Bondage Collar 4 cm wide Latex Collar that fits neck from 29-46 cmPopular "Heavy Duty Rubber" bondage collar.D-ring for fastening.High quality buckle.Small silver heart lock not included.Do you want the collar with the small heart lock? Find it HERE! You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick Latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckle or lockable buckle. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
1-Pin 2.5-5.5 cm Bondage Strap - Different Lengths
DKK 63.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
1-Pin 2.5-5.5 cm Bondage Strap in Different Lengths Rubber Bondage Strap.Quality 1-pin buckle as closing method.Rubber Straps for fixing and binding.3 mm thick rubber. You can choose: Rubber or Shiny Rubber.With or without lacing rings.Rubber Width.20 cm - 135 cm Rubber Length. Rubber information!'Natural Rubber' has a raw and mat look.'Shiny Rubber' has a blank shiny look - completely without the use of latex spray or other shine. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page! Note! These straps should only be used for light bondage. If there is too much resistance from the fixator, you should consider our more powerful bondage straps which can be found HERE!!
2-Pin 5.0 cm Wide Bondage Strap - Different Lengths
DKK 143.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
2-Pin 5.0 cm Wide Bondage Strap - Different Lengths 3 mm thick Rubber Bondage Strap.Quality 2-pin buckle as closing method.Rubber Strap for fixing and binding.5.0 cm wide. You can choose: Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.With or without lacing rings.20 cm - 135 cm Rubber Length. Note! These straps should only be used for light bondage. If there is too much resistance from the fixed one, you should consider our more powerful bondage straps which can be found HERE!
Lockable 2.0-2.5 cm Wide Bondage Strap - Different Lengths
DKK 39.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Lockable 2.0-2.5 cm Wide Bondage Strap - Different Lengths Rubber Bondage Strap.Quality lockable buckle as a closing method.Rubber Straps for fixing and binding.3 mm thick rubber. You can choose: Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.2.0 cm or 2.5 cm Rubber Width.20 cm - 135 cm Rubber Length. Note! These straps should only be used for light bondage. If there is too much resistance from the fixed one, you should consider our more powerful bondage straps which can be found HERE!
Mega 7 cm Wide Bondage Strap - Different Lengths
DKK 119.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Mega 7.0 cm Wide Bondage Strap - Different Lengths IMPORTANT! The Bondage Strap comes in 6.6 cm (wide) and with a 2-pin buckle. (Ses picture no. 5) Rubber Bondage Strap.Quality 1-pin Mega strong 9.0 cm wide buckle as a closing method.3 or 4 mm thick Latex Strap for fixing.7.0 cm wide Latex strap. Note! For hard bondage / violent play, 4 mm Blank Rubber is recommended, as this is very strong rubber. You choose: Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.25 cm - 135 cm Rubber Length.With or without lacing rings.
Wide Dog Collar In Latex
DKK 303.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Wide Dog Collar In Latex 5 cm wide and delicious dog collar in latex.3 mm thick latex.Large D-ring for attachment.Quality 2-pin buckle as closing method.Lace-up rings in belt holes. You can choose: Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.Neck circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
2-Strap 3D Latex Collar
DKK 279.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
2-Strap 3D Latex Collar 2-Strap 3D Latex Necklace with O-ring at the front.2 latex straps of 2.5 cm.D-rings at the back for straps.High quality buckles. You can choose: 1, 2 or 3 mm thick Latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckles or lockable buckles.Neck Circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
3 T/O-Ring Latex Collar
DKK 319.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
3 T/O-Ring Latex Collar Hardcore Slave Latex necklace with 3 x T / O rings.The collar is dedicated to the slave who is responsible for his own role.4 cm wide rubber collar with buckle closure at the back.Excl. padlock. You can choose: 1, 2 or 3 mm thick Latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.Regular buckle or lockable buckle.With or without lacing rings.Neck Circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Lockable Latex Cuffs
DKK 383.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Lockable Latex Cuffs Lockable Latex Cuffs for the true fetishist.Gorgeous bondage cuffs in 2 mm thick Glossy rubber with 3 mm straps.Very popular "Heavy Rubber" bondage cuffs with the so-called "Lock Post" function.D-ring in each cuff for fastening. You will get: 2 x 5 cm wide Latex Cuffs for wrists (15-27 cm)Extra purchase - 5 cm wide Latex Necklace (28-43 cm) You can choose: If you want to buy a matching collar, which is also 5 cm wide in 2 mm thick rubber with 3 mm strap.With or without lacing rings in belt holes. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
BDSM Contract
DKK 79.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
BDSM Contract (New 2025 update)Language in contract: DanishVersion: V3.2 (Date: 01-01-2025)Intended for: The Dominant/the submissive (D/s)Gender: All (M/F, F/M, F/F, M/M)Age group: 18+Total number of pages: 25Download format: A4 PDF file (document)Customer review: 9/10
Sex Slave Contract
DKK 63.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Sex Slave ContractLanguage in contract: DanishVersion: V1.4 (Date: 23-01-2022)Intended for: The Dominant / sex slave (D/s)Gender: All (M/F, F/M, F/F, M/M)Age group: 18+Total number of pages: 19Download format: A4 PDF file
Slave Contract - Private
DKK 71.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Slave Contract - PrivateLanguage in contract: DanishVersion: V1.4 (Date: 23-01-2022)Intended for: The Definite/slave (D/s) - for privateGender: All (M/F, F/M, F/ F, M/M)Age group: 18+Total number of pages: 19Download format: A4 PDF file
Slave Contract - Business
DKK 71.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Slave Contract - Business - For the professional DominaLanguage in contract: DanishVersion: V1.3 (Date: 23-01-2022)Intended for: Domina / slave (D/s) - for businessGender: Female / Male (F/M, F/F)Age group: 18+Total number of pages: 17Download format: A4 PDF file
Spider Mouth Gag
DKK 223.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Spider Mouth Gag (Latex) Open Mouth Gag for the naughty games.3 different sizes of mouth gag.6 different strap models.Fastening behind neck with buckle.Small silver padlock not included. You can choose from these Mouth Gags: "Standart", "Experience", "Intermediate", "Expert", "Fetish", "Supreme". Further down the page you can read more about the different gags. Mouth Gags Size Info: 3.3 cm Gag = 3.3 cm in inner circumference / 4.1 cm in outer circumference3.9 cm Gag = 3.9 cm in inner circumference / 4.8 cm in outer circumference4.5 cm Gag = 4.5 cm in inner circumference / 5.5 cm in outer circumference
Lockable Rubber Bondage Belt
DKK 1,199.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Lockable Latex Bondage Belt 9.5 cm wide Rubber belt with double clasp.4 ship O-rings and 6 D-rings of high quality.2 pcs. associated keys.Latex belt in a nice design that fits well with all clothes.Glossy Rubber that has a nice shine completely without the use of silicone.Silicone can be used to give extra shine.Non-adjustable belt. Write the exact waist measurements in the field and press 'save'. Note! It is recommended that you write 1-2 cm smaller than your waist, so that the belt fits tight in your waist. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick Glossy rubber.Waist circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Latex Back Bound
DKK 639.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Latex Back Bound 20 cm wide rubber cuffs with D-rings for fastening.Gorgeous bondage cuffs with 3 x 2.5 cm wide latex straps.For binding both in front and on the back.Serious bondage to the fetishist.Excl. carbines, but can be bought here at Fetish.dk You will get: 2 x 20 cm wide latex bondage cuffs with 3 pcs. D-rings in each. You can choose: 2 mm or 3 mm thick Glossy rubber.Circumference of forearm.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckles or lockable buckles. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Hand'n'Thigh Rubber Bondage
DKK 383.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Hand'n'Thigh Latex Bondage 5 cm wide bondage for wrists and thighs.Naughty bondage to both him and her.Take a walk while you are tied up or use it in the bedroom.Made of strong Natural Rubber or made of Blank Rubber that has shine completely without the use of silicone.You can also use silicone, which gives the bondage extra shine.Excl. silver padlocks, but can be purchased here at Fetish.dk You can choose: 3 mm or 4 mm thick Natural rubber or Glossy rubber.Thigh circumference.Wrist circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Latex Collar For Transition
DKK 319.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Latex Collar For Transition 5.5 cm wide latex collar for transition from e.g. mask for catsuit.The collar has 2 buckle closures and a nice D-ring at the front.High quality buckles.Made of Blank Rubber that has shine completely without the use of silicone or latex spray.However, silicone spray can be used for even more shine. You can choose: 1 mm or 2 mm thick Glossy rubber.Neck circumference.With or without lacing rings in belt holes. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Fetish Harness
DKK 703.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Fetish Sele Harness 4.5 cm wide Rubber harness harness with shoulder straps.Feel attached with this harness in a sleek design.Straps that go down the back with quality buckles for adjustment.Fits incredibly well with a latex top or a latex catsuit.Glossy Rubber in a nice shine - completely without the use of silicone.However, you can easily use silicone or spray / glossy which gives your harness extra shine.Excl. collar. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick Glossy rubber.Waist circumference.With or without lacing rings in belt holes. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Latex Name Collar (35 mm Letters)
DKK 223.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
REMEMBER! Before you write which letters you want for your collar, see if we have them in stock at the bottom of the page. NEW! Watch video of the product by pressing the small "Product Video"-icon. Latex Names Collar 4 cm wide Latex collar with name.Latex collar in 2 mm thick rubber.3.5 cm high letters of Metal in super quality.Easy to change letters.BDSM Latex name collar as the finishing touch to your outfit.Shiny rubber collar that has shine - completely without the use of silicone. You can choose: Neck circumference.With or without lacing rings in belt holes (If lacing rings are selected in belt holes, the letters cannot be replaced.)Regular buckle or lockable buckle.Letters in the colors silver, gold, black or with rhinestones / similits. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page! IMPORTANT! You choose the number of letters your chosen name contains.For example: Do you want to write BABYGIRL, choose '8' letters in the dropdown! Name ideas for Your BDSM Collar: SLUT, WHORE, SEXTOY, SLAVE, YOURS, YESSIR, PUDDIN, OWNED, BOYTOY, WITCH, BABYGIRL, CUMSLUT, BABE, DADDY, BABYGIRL, LOLITA, SISSYSLUT, FETISH, FUCKTOY, GODDESS.
Total Rubber Bondage (Set of 9 pcs.)
DKK 1,599.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Total Latex Bondage (Set of 9 pcs.) NEW! Watch video of the product by pressing the small "Product Video"-icon. Very popular latex bondage set.Cuffs for arms and legs, as well as a collar for neck.Thick Glossy rubber with strong durability.2 pcs. D-rings in each cuff for fastening or just for decoration.High quality buckles. You can choose: Regular buckles or lockable buckles.NEW! Can be purchased in white rubber. You will get: 2 x 5 cm wide Latex Cuffs for wrists (15-26 cm)2 x 5 cm wide Latex Cuffs for upper arms (20-36 cm)2 x 7 cm wide Latex Cuffs for thighs (44-67 cm)2 x 5 cm wide Latex Cuffs for ankles (20-36 cm)1 x 4 cm wide Latex Collar (29-44 cm) Or you can choose what type of set you want in the 'drop down'. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page! Do you want this bondage set in a wide Fetish version? Try to click HERE!
Rubber Collar & Cuffs (Set of 5 pcs.)
DKK 599.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Rubber Collars & Cuffs (Set of 5 pcs.) Simple collar and cuffs with 'Post Lock' function.2.5 cm wide collar and 2.5 cm wide cuffs.Quality O-ring in both collar and cuffs.3 or 4 mm thick rubber with strong durability.Not adjustable. Measure your neck, wrists and ankles accurately.Excl. silver padlocks, but can be purchased here at Fetish.dk You can choose: Neck, Wrist and Ankle circumference.Natural rubber or glossy rubber.3 or 4 mm thick rubber. You'll get: 1 x 2.5 cm wide Rubber Collar (You choose the circumference yourself)2 x 2.5 cm wide Rubber Cuffs for wrists (You choose the circumference yourself)2 x 2.5 cm wide Rubber Cuffs for ankles (You choose the circumference yourself) Or you can choose which type of set you want in 'drop down'. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Chain/Rubber Devils Tail
DKK 383.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Chain / Latex Devils Tail Devils Tail in latex with chain.Naughty detail for your already delicious latex outfit.50 cm long quality chain.Tail piece made of 2 or 3 mm thick Rubber.2 pcs. fixed D-rings in each side of latex belt.High quality belt buckle. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick Glossy rubber.Life circumference.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckles or lockable buckles. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Triangle Breast Harness
DKK 543.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Triangle Breast Harness 2.5 cm wide chest harness in latex.6 pieces. fixed D-rings as naughty detail.Straps that sit together with a total of 5 O-rings in high quality.Wear it on a top or naked.Blank Rubber that has shine completely without the use of silicone.You can easily use silicone, which gives extra shine.Excl. latex belt. You can choose: 1, 2 or 3 mm thick blank rubber.Waist circumference.With or without lacing rings in belt holes. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Classic Rubber Bondage Belt
DKK 383.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Classic Latex Bondage Belt 4.5 cm wide popular bondage belt in latex.3 pieces. T / O-Ring and 4 pcs. High quality D-rings.The rubber belt has a delicious shine - completely without the use of silicone.Excl. breast harness. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick Glossy rubber or Natural rubber.Life circumference.With or without lacing rings in belt holes. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page! This belt: 4.5 cm belt - 2.5 cm strap - T/O rings.Second belt: 5 cm belt - 3 cm strap - Composite O-rings. CLICK HERE!
Wide Rubber Ring
DKK 20.00
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Wide Latex Ring 1.5 cm wide ring in 1 mm PVC Rubber / Latex.Glossy Rubber that has shine completely without the use of silicone.You can easily use silicone, which gives extra shine. You can choose: Ring size.With or without O-ring link.
Gothic Rubber Belt
DKK 359.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Gothic Latex Belt 5.5 cm wide Gothic belt in latex.2-pin belt buckle in high quality and with lacing rings.Rubber belt has a delicious shine - completely without the use of silicone.However, you can easily use silicone / glossy / spray, to give the belt extra shine. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick rubber.Life circumference.With or without lacing rings in belt holes. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
O-Ring Slave Collar
DKK 159.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
O-Ring Slave Collar 2.5 cm wide latex slave necklace with delicious O-ring detail.High quality buckle.Made of Blank Rubber which has a fantastic shine - completely without the use of silicone or latex spray.Silicone spray / Glossy / Latex spray can be used for even more shine.Excl. small silver padlock, but can also be bought here on Fetish.dk You can choose: 1, 2 or 3 mm thick Glossy rubber.Neck circumference.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckle or lockable buckle. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
3.5 cm Luxury Dog Leash
DKK 239.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
3.5 cm Luxury Latex Dog Leash 4 mm thick Rubber.3.5 cm wide Latex dog leash.Quality carbine for attachment. You can choose the lenght of: 25 cm (9.8 inch)30 cm (11.8 inch)40 cm (15.7 inch)50 cm (19.7 inch)75 cm (29.5 inch)100 cm (39.4 inch)
Rubber Waist'n'Thigh Set
DKK 1,279.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Latex Waist'n'Thigh Set 10 cm wide belt in 3 mm thick Glossy Rubber.Adjustable straps on each side made of 1 mm thick Glossy Rubber.2 pcs. thigh cuffs in 1 mm thick Glossy Rubber.6 buckles in total of very high quality.Nice lace design on thighs.Naughty O-ring on the back which sets the fantasies in motion.Glossy Rubber that has a nice shine - completely without the use of silicone spray.You can easily use silicone, which gives the rubber extra shine. You can choose: Life circumference.Thigh circumference. (We subtract 7 cm for laces from thigh circumference) Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
BDSM Belt With Hidden Secret
DKK 183.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
BDSM Belt With Hidden Secret Naughty BDSM belt with hidden agenda.2.5 cm wide latex belt with 2 square metal rings.Quality buckle.Glossy Rubber that has a delicious shine that matches everything else shiny. You can choose: Waist circumference.Wrist circumference.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckles or lockable buckles. Info! The circumference of the wrist is used to make distance between the square metal rings. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Rubber Face Harness
DKK 239.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Latex Face Harness 1.5 cm wide latex harness for face.3 pcs O-rings.Adjustable at the rear.Naughty facial harness e.g your latex hood. You can choose: 1 or 2 mm thick blank rubber.Mouth / neck circumference.With or without spikes.With or without lacing rings in belt holes. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Hardcore Rubber Bondage
DKK 959.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Hardcore Latex Bondage 15 cm wide Latex Bondage with large D-ring for attachment.Lovely thick and strong bondage with 2 x 2.5 cm wide rubber straps.For binding both in front and on the back.Serious bondage for latex fetishists.Use e.g latex dog leash to complete the game. You will get: 15 cm wide latex bondage cuff.5 cm wide attached arm cuffs You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick rubber.Upper arm circumference.Forearm circumference.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckles or lockable buckles. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Rubber Slave Harness
DKK 1,599.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Rubber Slave Harness 5.4 cm wide latex harness for men.3 mm thick Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.2 x 7 cm O-rings front and back.3 x 6 cm O-rings at the waist and at the crotch9 x Buckles of very high quality. You can choose: With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Waist circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
BDSM Contract
DKK 63.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
BDSM ContractLanguage of contract: English / UKVersion: V1.3 (Date: 18-04-2020)Intented for: The Dominant/the submissive (D/s)Gender: Alle (M/F, F/M, F/F, M/M)Age group: 18+Total pages: 20Download format: A4 PDF-file
Latex Belt Bag
DKK 279.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Latex Belt Bag Lovely bag made of 2 mm thick rubber.Smart pocket pouch rubber belt bag.Perfect for a Fetish party where you need your hands free.Bag can contain money and cell phone, or maybe handcuffs and keys.Button at the front with 2 push buttons.2 straps at the back for a belt which can be up to 5.5 cm wide. External dimensions of the bag: H: 10 cm - L: 15 cm - W: 4 cm. Internal dimensions of the bag: H: 9 cm - L: 14 cm - W: 3 cm. If you have your own idea of ​​what your bag should look like, you can write us an email about your wish, and we will find out, and give you a good price.
Mega Bondage Set
DKK 6,399.20
Sold Out!
Mega Bondage Set Our very own designed and produced full body bondage set. Bondage set consisting of 13 cuffs, 1 collar and wide belt.Intermediate straps that can be removed so that everything can be used separately.Fully adjustable bondage set that can be worn naked or on a catsuit.Glossy Rubber that has shine completely without the use of silicone.You can easily use silicone, which gives extra shine. 1 x 5 cm wide collar (32-44 cm).2 x 5 cm wide cuffs for wrists (15-23 cm).2 x 5 cm wide cuffs for forearm (17-30 cm).2 x 5 cm wide cuffs for upper arm (19-37 cm).2 x 5 cm wide cuffs for thighs (45-70 cm).2 x 5 cm wide cuffs to above knees (35-55 cm).2 x 5 cm wide cuffs for ankles (17-30 cm).1 x 17 cm wide belt (You choose your own waist circumference).20 x 2.5 cm adjustable (+/- 5 cm) intermediate straps.
Wall Chain Bondage
DKK 559.20
Sold Out!
Wall Chain Bondage Metal wrist chains in stainless steel with matching lock.Set of 2 pcs.Oval chains that sit perfectly on the wrist.Nice handcuff chains with a 25 cm chain for wall mounting.High quality and polished completely shiny.4 cm wide and 0.4 cm thick.Total length is 25 cmUse these chains for the basement or bedroom. See sizes further down the page.
Posture Latex Collar With 3 T/O Rings
DKK 479.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Posture Latex Collar With 3 T/O Rings Lovely 8 cm (3.15") wide posture collar in thick rubber.Collar is 7 cm (2.75") wide at the sides.Adjustable straps for a perfect fit.The collar has 3 pcs. T/O rings for attaching e.g. cuffs.Glittering metal / chain sound when there is movement.Excl. padlocks, but can be purchased here at Fetish.dk You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick Latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.Neck circumference.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckles or lockable buckles. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Stainless Steel Handcuffs
DKK 239.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Stainless Steel Handcuffs Solid Police handcuffs for the serious doctors.Select if necessary. associated handcuffs case.Incl. 2 pcs. associated keys for closing.Built-in safety lock for the handcuff mechanism.Fits all wrists.Weight: 265 g.Produced in the Netherlands.
2-Pin Bondage Belt With D-Ring
DKK 479.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
2-Pin Bondage Belt With D-Ring 7 cm wide bondage belt with 2-pin belt buckle and large D-ring at the front.The belt has 2 post locks for hand locks which means that you can not take the belt off.The rubber belt has a delicious shine - completely without the use of silicone.Excl. cuffs and small padlocks, but can be purchased here at Fetish.dk You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick Glossy rubber or Natural rubber.Waist circumference.With or without lacing rings in belt holes. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Naughty Buckle Belt
DKK 719.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Naughty Buckle Belt 8 cm wide naughty belt with buckles.2 pcs. straps for closure.High quality belt buckles.The rubber belt has a delicious shine - completely without the use of silicone.You can easily use silicone / glossy / spray / shine, to give the belt extra shine. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick rubber.Waist circumference.With or without lacing rings in belt holes. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Wide Arm Cuffs
DKK 399.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Wide Arm Cuffs Gorgeous 7 cm wide arm cuffs in thick rubber.Can be used for wrists, upper arms or ankles.Set of 2 pcs. cuffs.2 pcs. D-rings in each sleeve for attaching e.g. spreading rod.2 pcs. High quality buckles in each cuff.Excl. wrist cuffs and belt. You can choose: 2 mm or 3 mm thick rubber.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.Regular buckles or lockable buckles.With or without lacing rings. If you want some of the cuffs a little wider or narrower, you are welcome to call or write. Then we will definitely find out.
Marina Leg Harness
DKK 799.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Marina Leg Harness 3.5 cm wide belt and leg harness.Quality buckles and silver bows that give naughty details.Can be worn on catsuit, nets, tights or catsuit.Excl. cuffs, but can be purchased here at Fetish.dk You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy RubberWith or without lacing rings in belt holes.Hips circumference.Thigh circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Marina Wrist Cuffs
DKK 319.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Marina Wrist Cuffs Gorgeous 3.5 cm wide latex cuffs.Quality buckle and silver bow which gives the finishing touch.Can be used for both wrists, upper arms, thighs, neck or ankles.Set on 2 pcs. cuffs.There are no O-rings or D-rings for attachment.In return, they dress him or her when you are at a party, in the city or out in trouble. Additional!You can choose a matching belt or necklace to complete your outfit. If you do not want a matching belt or collar, leave the field blank:'If desired, write the circumference of the collar or belt. (Ex. 'Neck 37 cm') You can choose: 2 mm or 3 mm thick rubber.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.With or without lacing rings.Circumference of wrists, upper arms, thighs or ankles (+ waist and / or neck) Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
2,5 cm Rubber Ankle & Heel Bondage
DKK 399.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
2.5 cm Rubber Ankle & Heel Bondage 5 cm wide ankle cuffs.2.5 cm strap that prevents the footwear from coming off.Fetish Ankle Cuffs for stilettos & boots.Excl. padlock. You can choose: Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckle or lockable buckle.Ankle circumference. IMPORTANT! Remember to take into account whether you need to wear boots. Add eg extra centimeters! Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Fashion Collar
DKK 239.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Fashion Collar 6 cm wide fashion latex collar.The collar has never been seen before.Be the different person with this great looking collar.The collar has a locking option with a large self-selected padlock.Excl. padlock. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick Latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.Neck circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Chelle Collar
DKK 303.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Chelle Necklace 3.5 cm wide Latex Necklace that fits neck from 29-46 cmShip's O-ring as a naughty detail on the necklace.High quality buckle. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick Latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckle or lockable buckle.Circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Square Latex Collar
DKK 319.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Square Latex Collar Lovely 4 cm wide collar in thick rubber.Adjustable collar for a perfect fit.The collar has 4 square metal rings as naughty details.Excl. padlock. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick Latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.Neck circumference.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckle or lockable buckle. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Big Spike Collar
DKK 559.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Big Spike Collar 5 cm wide Punk collar in thick rubber.Very large spikes of 11.5 cm which weigh 114 g. Each.The necklace has a T/O ring in front for any. attachment of dog leash or leash.Metal buckle of very high quality. You can choose: Natural Rubber or Blank Rubber.Neck circumference.With or without lacing rings in belt holes. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Fetishist Collar
DKK 359.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Fetishist Collar 6 cm wide Latex collar for the real rubber fetishist.Naughty bondage collar in 3 mm thick rubber and with 4.5 cm wide strap.Very popular "Heavy Rubber" collar with 2 large D-rings.Buckle of very high quality. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick Latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.Neck circumference.With or without lacing rings in belt holes. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Feminine Rubber Collar
DKK 263.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Feminine Rubber Collar Simple rubber collar with trence at the back.Quality ship's o-ring at the front and buckle at the rear. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick Latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.Neck circumference.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckle or lockable buckle.2 cm or 2.5 cm wide collar (Rubber Width). Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Feminine Latex Cuffs
DKK 279.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Feminine Latex Cuffs Feminine and beautiful 3.5 cm wrist cuffs in shiny rubber.Can be used for wrists and ankles.Set oF 2 pcs. cuffs.1 pcs. D-rings in each cuff for fastening.1 pcs. high quality buckle in each cuff.Excl. belt. You can choose: 1, 2 or 3 mm thick rubber.Natural rubber or glossy Rubber.Regular buckles or lockable buckles.With or without lacing rings. If you want some of the cuffs a little wider or narrower, you are welcome to call or write. Then we will definitely find out.
Random Collar
DKK 159.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Random Collar Gorgeous random collar in shiny rubber.Push button closure at the back for a perfect fit.The collar has 4 different sizes of lace rings as naughty details.Lace rings are placed randomly on the necklace with approx. 2 cm between each.Can also be used for upper arms, wrists or ankles. You can choose: 1, 2 or 3 mm thick Latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.Neck circumference (Measure exactly).Width of collar (or Upper arm, Wrist or Ankle). Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Collar With Lock Function
DKK 479.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Collar With Lock Function Naughty Fetish collar with built-in locking function.3 pieces. D-rings for attachment or just as naughty embellishments.The collar is 5 cm wide and has a 3 cm wide strap for D-rings.Incl. 2 pcs. associated keys. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick Latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.Neck circumference (Measure exactly). Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Punk Necklace With Rivets
DKK 223.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Punk Necklace With Rivets Simple latex collar with rivets / spikes.Quality buckle at the back.Between 10-14 rivets depending on your choice of neck circumference. You can choose: 1, 2 or 3 mm thick Latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.Neck circumference.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.2 cm or 2.5 cm wide collar (Rubber Width). Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Chicky Collar
DKK 223.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Chicky Collar Chicky latex collar with 14 mm sail rings.The collar is 4 cm wide and has a quality buckle at the back.5-8 sailing rings depending on the neck circumference you choose. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick Latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.Neck circumference.With or without lacing rings in belt holes (Applies to clamping holes) Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Ball Gag (Latex)
DKK 223.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Ball Gag (Latex) Ball Mouth Gag for the naughty games.4.5 cm silicone ball with strap.6 different strap models.Fastening behind neck with optional buckle.Small silver padlock not included. You can choose from these Mouth Gags: "Standart", "Experience", "Intermediate", "Expert", "Fetish", "Supreme". Further down the page you can read more about the different gags.
Collar With Click Lock
DKK 439.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Collar With Click Lock Naughty Fetish collar with built-in click lock function.3 pieces. D-rings (optional) for attachment or just as naughty details.The collar is 5 cm wide and has a 3 cm wide strap for D-rings.Incl. 2 pcs. associated keys. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick glossy rubber (Strap with D-rings will be 3 mm thick).With or without D-rings.Neck circumference (Measure exactly). Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Ball Gag (Latex)
DKK 223.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Ball Gag (Latex) Ball Mouth Gag with red ball for the naughty games.4.5 cm silicone ball with built-in silicone strap.6 different strap models.Fastening behind neck with optional buckle.Small silver padlock not included. You can choose from these Mouth Gags: "Standart", "Experience", "Intermediate", "Expert", "Fetish", "Supreme". Further down the page you can read more about the different gags.
Wide Fetish Collar
DKK 399.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Wide Fetish Collar 6 cm wide Fetish rubber collar for the real rubber fetishist.Naughty bondage collar in thick rubber and with 5 cm wide strap.Popular "Heavy Rubber" necklace with large 5 cm O-ring.2-Pin buckle of very high quality. You can choose: 1, 2 or 3 mm thick Latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.Neck circumference.With or without lacing rings in belt holes. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Latex Strapon
DKK 1,039.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Latex Strapon Strapon for the woman who wants to tease her partner with glittering metal sounds while taking action.6 cm wide hip belt and 2.5 cm wide adjustable rubber straps.3 pcs. Quality buckles and 8 pcs. silver bows that provide naughty details that are also practical for excess straps.Possibility of replacing clamp dildo.Incl. 2 pcs. O-rings in 4.5 cm and 5 cm for other dildo. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy RubberWith or without lacing rings in belt holes.Hip circumference.Size of dildo.Color of dildo. Info about dildos: Waterproof and made of silicone. Small - Thickness 3.6 cm - Length 17.1 cm - 338 g.Medium - Thickness 3.8 cm - Length 18.0 cm - 372 g.Large - Thickness 4.1 cm - Length 19.0 cm - 417 g.X-Large - Thickness 4.3 cm - Length 19.8 cm - 459 g. (Blue dildo not available as shown in some of the photos) Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Gift Card DKK 500,00
DKK 500.00
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Gift card DKK 500.00 Info about gift cards! The gift card is an electronic gift card which is sent to yourself. The gift card is a PDF document which contains a code that you can pass on to a person you care about, or a person who you think deserves some new naughty things that can be found here on Fetish.dk More info about the gift card further down the page.
Gift Card DKK 1.000,00 + Free Shipping
DKK 1,000.00
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Gift card DKK 1,000.00 + Free Shipping Info about gift cards! The gift card is an electronic gift card which is sent to yourself. The gift card is a PDF document which contains a code that you can pass on to a person you care about, or a person who you think deserves some new naughty things that can be found here on Fetish.dk More info about the gift card further down the page.
Gift Card DKK 1.500,00 + Free Shipping
DKK 1,500.00
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Gift card DKK 1,500.00 + Free Shipping Info about gift cards! The gift card is an electronic gift card which is sent to yourself. The gift card is a PDF document which contains a code that you can pass on to a person you care about, or a person who you think deserves some new naughty things that can be found here on Fetish.dk More info about the gift card further down the page.
Gift Card DKK 2.000,00 + Free Shipping
DKK 2,000.00
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Gift card DKK 2,000.00 + Free Shipping Info about gift cards! The gift card is an electronic gift card which is sent to yourself. The gift card is a PDF document which contains a code that you can pass on to a person you care about, or a person who you think deserves some new naughty things that can be found here on Fetish.dk More info about the gift card further down the page.
Gift Card DKK 800,00
DKK 800.00
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Gift card DKK 800.00 Info about gift cards! The gift card is an electronic gift card which is sent to yourself. The gift card is a PDF document which contains a code that you can pass on to a person you care about, or a person who you think deserves some new naughty things that can be found here on Fetish.dk More info about the gift card further down the page.
Rubber Bondage Belt
DKK 3,199.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Wide Latex Bondage Belt 25 cm wide belt with straps for adjustment.Body-shaped belt for a perfect fit over the hips.19 pcs. Quality buckles.12 pcs. D-rings for fastening.1 pc. collar with straps that go down to the belt. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick latex.Natural rubber or Blank Rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckles or lockable buckles.waist circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Premium Bondage O-Ring
DKK 79.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Premium Bondage O-Ring for cuffs, chains or collars. O-ring with really nice design and finish, where they have gone to the trouble of ensuring that the welding of the O-ring is incredibly neat.Fastens with a screw at the back.High quality. O-ring outer circumference = Ø 26 mm.O-ring inner circumference = Ø 20 mm.O-ring thickness = 3 mm.Screw total length = 7 mm.Screw thread length = 6 mm.Screw thread thickness = 3 mm.
Small Padlock Screw
DKK 39.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Small Padlock Screw Padlock screw for cuffs, chains or collars.Screw used for locking bondage equipment.This screw has several names, such as:Post Lock, Back Screw, Padlock Screw, Back Screw Padlock, Back Post Lock, Locking screw, Handbag screw, etc.Fastens with a screw at the back. Padlock screw bottom circumference = Ø 11 mm.Padlock screw at top circumference = Ø 6 mm.Padlock screw hole circumference = Ø 4 mm.Padlock screw total height = 14 mm.Padlock screw top height = 12 mm.Padlock screw bottom height = 2 mm.General screw total length = 10 mm.General screw thread length = 8 mm.General screw thread thickness = 3 mm. Do you wish a bigger padlock screw? Find it HERE!
16/20/25/30 mm Lockable Roller Buckle
DKK 23.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
16/20/25/30 mm Lockable Roller Buckle Lockable Roller buckle for cuffs or collars.Buckle that is used for latex or leather cuffs so that you cannot escape.Can also be used for straps / belts. This buckle has several names, such as:Lockable buckle, padlock buckle, Lockable padlock buckle, Lock buckle, Buckle for lock, etc. 16 mm:Length: 31 mm. - Width: 25 mm. - Padlock eye size = 4.5 mm.Note: Current width of strap can be MAX 16 mm. 20 mm:Length: 35 mm. - Width: 30 mm. - Padlock eye size = 4.5 mm.Note: Current width of strap can be MAX 20 mm. 25 mm:Length: 41 mm. - Width: 38 mm. - Padlock eye measurement = 5 mm.Note: Current width of strap can be MAX 26 mm. 30 mm:Length: 46 mm. - Width: 46 mm. - Padlock eye measurement = 5 mm.Note: Current width of strap can be MAX 32 mm.
35 mm Silver Colored Letters
DKK 20.00
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
REMEMBER! Before you write which letters you want, see if we have them in stock at the bottom of the page. 35 mm Silver Colored Letters 3.5 cm high letters of Metal in super quality.Can be used for straps, necklaces, bracelets and belts. Letter size: Letter total height is 35 mm.Letter thickness is 7 mm.Letter width is 10-20 mm - depending on which letters you choose.Can be used for straps, necklaces, bracelets and belts that are MAX 2.5 mm (thickness) x 29.5 mm (width).
35 mm Similists / Rhinestone Letters
DKK 24.00
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
REMEMBER! Before you write which letters you want, see if we have them in stock at the bottom of the page. 35 mm Similists / Rhinestone Letters 3.5 cm high letters with the Similisten of Metal in super quality.Can i.a. used for straps, necklaces, bracelets and belts. Letter size: Letter total height is 35 mm.Letter thickness is 7 mm.Letter width is 15-34 mm - depending on which letters you choose.Can be used for straps, necklaces, bracelets and belts that are MAX 2.5 mm (thickness) x 29.5 mm (width).
Waist'n'Thigh Latex Belt
DKK 1,279.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Waist'n'Thigh Latex Belt 10 cm wide rubber belt for waist and thighs.2 mm thick blank rubber.2 pcs. 2.5 cm in 3 mm thickness wide straps for closing.Detachable straps that go from the waist belt to the thighs at the front and cross straps at the back.Fits incredibly well with a bodysuit or catsuit.Glossy rubber that has shine completely without the use of silicone.You can easily use silicone, which gives extra shine. You can choose: Waist circumference.Thigh circumference.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckles or lockable buckles. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Monica Latex Cuffs
DKK 343.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Monica Latex Cuffs 5 cm wide latex cuffs for wrists in white/black rubber.Set of 2 pcs.D-rings for fastening.Quality buckles.Very popular "Heavy Duty Rubber" bondage cuffs.Fits wrists 16-27 cm. You will get: 2 mm thick white underlay rubber and with 3 mm thick black rubber straps. You can choose: With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckles or lockable buckles. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Monica Latex Collar
DKK 319.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Monica Latex Collar 4 cm wide Latex Collar in white/black rubber which fits neck from 29-46 cm.Popular "Heavy Duty Rubber" bondage collar.D-ring for fastening.High quality buckle. You will get: 2 mm thick white underlay rubber and with 3 mm black thick rubber strap. You can choose: With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckle or lockable buckle. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Monica Latex Bondage Set
DKK 639.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Monica Latex Bondage Set Bondage set consisting of collar and cuffs.5 cm wide latex cuffs for wrists in white/black rubber.4 cm wide collar in white / black rubber.D-rings for fastening.Quality buckles.Very popular "Heavy Duty Rubber" bondage set. You will get: Collar that fits neck from 29-46 cm.Cuffs that fit wrists from 15-26 cm.2 mm thick white underlay rubber and with 3 mm black thick rubber straps. You can choose: With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckles or lockable buckles. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Neku Latex Halsbånd
DKK 319.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Neku Latex Collar 4 cm wide Latex Collar that fits neck from 29-46 cmPopular "Heavy Duty Rubber" bondage collar.D-ring for fastening, as well as a small silver-colored heart lock as decoration (incl. key).High quality buckle.Do you want the collar without the small silver heart lock? Find it HERE! You choose: 2 or 3 mm thick Latex.Natural Rubber or Glossy Rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckle or lockable buckle. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Total Fetish Bondage (Set of 9 pcs.)
DKK 2,799.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Total Fetish Bondage (Set of 9 pieces) Very wide latex bondage set.Cuffs for arms and legs, as well as a collar.Thick rubber with very strong durability.4 pieces D-rings in each cuff for fastening or just for decoration.High quality buckles. You can choose: Regular buckles or lockable buckles. You'll get: 2 x 9 cm wide Latex Cuffs for wrists (15-26 cm)2 x 9 cm wide Latex Cuffs for upper arms (20-36 cm)2 x 11 cm wide Latex Cuffs for thighs (44-67 cm)2 x 9 cm wide Latex Cuffs for ankles (20-36 cm)1 x 7 cm wide Latex Collar (29-44 cm) Or you can choose what type of set you want in the 'drop down'. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page! Do you want this bondage set in a narrow version? Try to click HERE!
Feminine Name Collar (14 mm Letters)
DKK 103.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
REMEMBER! Before you write which letters you want for your necklace, see if we have them in stock at the bottom of the page. Feminine Names Collar 1.0 cm / 1.8 cm wide feminine collar with name.Latex collar in 2 mm thick rubber.1.4 cm high letters.Easy to change letters.Collar with your own name choice as the finishing touch to your outfit.Shiny rubber collar that has shine - completely without the use of silicone.If you use silicone, shine or latex spray, it gives the collar extra shine.All letters are uppercase. You can choose: Single strap (1.0 cm) / Double strap (1.8 cm).Neck circumference.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Chrome letters or similists letters. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page! IMPORTANT! You choose the number of letters your chosen name contains.For example: Do you want to write BABYGIRL, choose '8' letters in the dropdown! Names ideas for your feminine collar: GOODGIRL, DADDYSGIRL, SLAVE, YOURS, YESSIR, PUDDIN, OWNED, KITTEN, HONEY, BABYGIRL, BABE, DADDY, BABYGIRL, LOLITA, YESDADDY, IMYOURS, LITTLEGIRL, LOVE, ILOVEYOU, CUTE, CUTIEPIE.
Sexy Name Collar (21 mm Letters)
DKK 159.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
REMEMBER! Before you write which letters you want for your collar, see if we have them in stock at the bottom of the page. Sexy Names Collar 1.8 cm / 3.0 wide sexy necklace with name.Latex collar in 2 mm thick rubber with the similits / rhinestone letters.2.1 cm high letters.Easy to change letters.Collar with your own name choice as the finishing touch to your outfit.Shiny rubber collar that has shine - completely without the use of silicone.If you use silicone, shine or latex spray, it gives the collar extra shine.All letters are uppercase. You choose: Single belt (1.8 cm) / Double belt (3.0 cm).Neck circumference.With or without lacing rings in belt holes. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page! IMPORTANT! You choose the number of letters your chosen name contains.For example: Do you want to write BABYGIRL, choose '8' letters in the dropdown! Name ideas for your Sexy Name Collar: IWANTYOU, DADDYSGIRL, OWNED, SEXKITTEN, HONEY, BABYGIRL, BABE, DADDY, BABYGIRL, LOLITA, YESDADDY, IMYOURS, LITTYB, CUTIEPIE.
Nameplate Collar (35 mm Letters)
DKK 223.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
REMEMBER! Before you write which letters you want for your collar, see if we have them in stock at the bottom of the page. Namesplate Collar 4 cm wide Latex Collar with name.Latex collar made of thick rubber.3.5 cm high letters of metal in good quality.Rename the slave without taking off the collar.Shiny rubber collar that has shine - completely without the use of silicone. You can choose: Neck circumference.2 or 3 mm thick rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckle or lockable buckle.Letters in the colors silver, gold, black or with rhinestones / similits.'Nameplates'. IMPORTANT! Read more further down the page under 'Description'. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page! IMPORTANT! You choose the number of letters your chosen name contains.For example: Do you want to write BABYGIRL, choose '8' letters in the dropdown! Names ideas for your Nameplate Collar: SLUT, WHORE, SEXTOY, SLAVE, YOURS, YESSIR, PUDDIN, UNIQUE, OWNED, BOYTOY, KITTEN, WITCH, BABYGIRL, CUMSLUT, BABE, DADDY, BABYGIRL, LOLITA, BITCH, SISSYSLUT, BASTY, FUT, FIT CUNT, YESDADDY, GODDESS.
Name Collar With Ring (35 mm Letters)
DKK 223.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
REMEMBER! Before you write which letters you want for your collar, see if we have them in stock at the bottom of the page. Name Collar With Ring 4 cm wide Latex Collar with name and T/O-ring or D-ring.Latex collar made of 2 mm thick rubber.3.5 cm high letters of metal in very good quality.Shiny rubber collar that has shine - completely without the use of silicone.Max 4 letters on each side of T/O-ring or D-ring. You can choose: Neck circumference.T/O-ring or D-ring.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckle or lockable buckle.Up to 4 letters on each side of T / O ring or D ring.Similists / Rhinestone Letters or Silver Colored Letters. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page! IMPORTANT! You choose the number of letters your chosen name contains.For example: Do you want to write BABYGIRL, choose '8' letters in the dropdown! Names Ideas For Your Names Collar With Ring: YES-SIR, BOY-TOY, SEX-CAT, BABY-GIRL, CUM-SLUT, SEX-BABE, FUCK-TOY, CUNT-SLUT, FUCK-ME, OH-YES, YOU-ME, HURT-ME, USE- ME, SLAP-ME, MAKE-ME.
Keychain With Name (14 mm Letters)
DKK 79.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
REMEMBER! Before you write which letters you want for your keychain, see if we have them in stock at the bottom of the page. Latex Keychain With Name 1.8 cm wide rubber keychain with name.Made of 2 mm thick rubber.1.4 cm high letters.All letters are uppercase. IMPORTANT INFO! - If ONLY letters are selected on the front page, up to 15 letters can be selected. (Front page)- When selecting letters on BOTH front and back, up to 14 letters can be selected. (7 letters on front / 7 letters on back)- Optimal will be the same number of letters when choosing letters on both sides, as otherwise the letters will slide back and forth. The more letters you select, the longer the keychain will be.Ex. 4 letters = 10 cm long keychain.Ex. 7 letters = 14 cm long keychain (As shown in the picture)Ex. 10 letters = 18 cm long keychain. You can choose: Up to 15 letters.Letters on front / back / both sides.Chrome letters or letters with similists / rhinestone letters. IMPORTANT! You choose the number of letters your chosen name contains.For example: Do you want to write BABYGIRL, choose '8' letters in the dropdown!
Head Harness With Ball Gag
DKK 639.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Head Harness With Ball Gag Head harness with built-in ball gag.2.5 cm wide latex straps that are adjustable.O-ring in the forehead as a naughty detail.2 x buckles for adjustment in the neck.Quality buckles, O-rings and D-rings.You do not get naughtier gag for the slave. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick glossy rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckles or lockable buckles.Mouth / neck circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Head Harness With Ball Gag
DKK 623.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Head Harness With Ball Gag Head harness with built-in silicone gag.2.5 cm wide latex straps that are adjustable.D-ring in the forehead as a naughty detail or fastening.As much as 6 x buckles for adjustment.Quality buckles and D-rings.Naughty gag for the submissive. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick glossy rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckles or lockable buckles.Mouth / neck circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Name Head Harness With Ears (21 mm Letters)
DKK 479.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
REMEMBER! Before you write which letters you want for your necklace, see if we have them in stock at the bottom of the page. Names Head Harness With Ears Cat harness with 10 cm long ears.2 cm wide latex straps that are adjustable.Latex head harness in 2 mm thick rubber with similisten letters.2.1 cm high letters.Letters cannot be replaced.You can MAX select 10 letters.Strap that goes under the chin for a perfect fit.Harness in Glossy Rubber that has shine - completely without the use of silicone.If you use silicone, shine or latex spray, it gives the necklace extra shine.All letters are uppercase. You choose: With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Head circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page! IMPORTANT! You choose the number of letters your chosen name contains.For example: Do you want to write BABYGIRL, choose '8' letters in the dropdown! Names Ideas For Your Names Head Harness With Ears: DADDYSGIRL, SLAVE, SEXKITTEN, BABYGIRL, BABE, DADDY, BABYGIRL, LOLITA, YESDADDY, IMYOURS, LITTLEGIRL, LOVE, ILOVEYOU, CUTIEPIE, YOUANDME.
Brat Bondage Set (Set of 5 pcs.)
DKK 959.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Brat Bondage Set (Set of 5 pcs.) Latex bondage set with 'gold' buckles, O-rings and rivets.Collar and cuffs for wrists and ankles.Thick delicious glossy shiny rubber.2 pcs. D-rings in each cuff for fastening or just for decoration.High quality buckles. You can choose: With or without lacing rings in belt holes. This is what you'll get: 2 x 5 cm wide Latex Cuffs for wrists (15-26 cm)2 x 5 cm wide Latex Cuffs for ankles (20-36 cm)1 x 4 cm wide Latex Collar (29-46 cm) Or you can choose what type of set you want in the 'drop down'. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page! If you want some of the cuffs a little wider or narrower, you are welcome to call or write. Then we will definitely find out.
Leather Name Collar (35 mm Letters)
DKK 343.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
REMEMBER! Before writing which letters you want for your necklace, see if we have them in stock at the bottom of the page. Leather Name Collar 4 cm wide Leather Collar with name.Leather collar in 2 and 3 mm thick leather.3.5 cm high letters of Metal in super quality.Easy to change letters.Leather name necklace as the finishing touch to your outfit. You can choose: Neck circumference.With or without lace rings in belt holes (If lace rings in belt holes are chosen, the letters cannot be changed.)Regular buckle or lockable buckle.Letters in the colors silver, gold, black or with rhinestones. Read more about how you measure yourself - and which materials we use - further down the page! IMPORTANT! You choose the number of letters your chosen name contains.Do you want to e.g. type SLAVE, select '5' letters in the 'dropdown. Name ideas for your Name Collar: SLAVE, DADDYS GIRL, LITTLE SLUT, BE MINE, FOR USE, SUB, SUBMISSIV, TAKEN, ANAL WHORE, SEX KITTEN, OWNED, SISSY SLUT, PRINCESS, BABY, CUM DUMP, BITCH, HONEY, HOTWIFE, MASTER, NOVICE, BABE, GOOD BOY
35 mm Gold Colored Letters
DKK 20.00
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
REMEMBER! Before you write which letters you want, see if we have them in stock at the bottom of the page. 35 mm Gold Colored Letters 3.5 cm high letters of Metal in super quality.Can be used for straps, necklaces, bracelets and belts. Letter size: Letter total height is 35 mm.Letter thickness is 7 mm.Letter width is 10-20 mm - depending on which letters you choose.Can be used for straps, necklaces, bracelets and belts that are MAX 2.5 mm (thickness) x 29.5 mm (width).
35 mm Black Colored Letters
DKK 20.00
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
REMEMBER! Before you write which letters you want, see if we have them in stock at the bottom of the page. 35 mm Black Colored Letters 3.5 cm high letters of Metal in super quality.Can be used for straps, necklaces, bracelets and belts. Letter size: Letter total height is 35 mm.Letter thickness is 7 mm.Letter width is 10-20 mm - depending on which letters you choose.Can be used for straps, necklaces, bracelets and belts that are MAX 2.5 mm (thickness) x 29.5 mm (width).
Latex Hinge Collar
DKK 463.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Latex Hinge Collar Raw metal and latex collar.Made of 2 mm glossy rubber, as well as small metal hinges.T/O ring for fastening or just for decoration.Buckle at the back of your choice (Normal buckle or lockable buckle)Stands out from other collars.Available in 2.5 cm width or 3.0 cm width. You can choose: With or without lace rings in belt holes.General buckle or lockable buckle.2.5 cm or 3.0 cm wide collar.Neck Circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and which materials we use - further down the page!
Master Eye Collar
DKK 359.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Master Eye Collar 6 cm wide Latex Collar as 2-pin buckle.Made of glossy rubber and with an attached eye hole in the front.Perfect if a dog leash with a carabiner is to be used. You can choose: 2 or 3 mm thick Glossy Latex.With or without lace rings in belt holes.Neck Circumference. Read more about how you measure yourself - and which materials we use - further down the page!
3-Layer Collar
DKK 399.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
3-Layer Collar 5 cm wide Latex Collar.Made of 2 x underlay of 2 mm glossy rubber and with 3 mm thick strap.Lovely D-ring at the front for decoration or if you are going for a walk with your partner.Large buckle at the back and lacing rings in belt holes. You can choose: Neck circumference.Underlay color of Glossy Rubber.With or without lacing rings in belt holes.Regular buckle or lockable buckle. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Whipped Bondage Collar
DKK 343.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
Whipped Bondage Collar 4 cm wide Latex Collar that fits neck from 29-46 cmMade of 2 mm delicious soft white rubber.D-ring for fastening.High quality buckle at the back. You can choose: With or without lacing rings in belt holes. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page!
Latex Name Collar (35 mm Letters)
DKK 239.20
DK 1-3 days / EU 2-14 days / US 4-18 days
REMEMBER! Before you write which letters you want for your necklace, see if we have them in stock at the bottom of the page. Whipped NameCollar 4 cm wide Latex collar with name.Made of 2 mm delicious soft white rubber.3.5 cm high letters of metal in super quality.Easy to change letters.Latex name collar as the finishing touch to your outfit.All letters are uppercase. You can choose: Neck circumference.With or without lacing rings in belt holes (If lacing rings are selected in belt holes, the letters cannot be replaced.)Regular buckle or lockable buckle.Letters in the colors silver, gold, black or with rhinestones / similits. Read more about how you measure yourself - and what materials we use - further down the page! IMPORTANT! You choose the number of letters your chosen name contains.For example: Do you want to write BABYGIRL, choose '8' letters in the dropdown! Names ideas for your BDSM Collar: PRINCESS, BRAT, SLUT, WHORE, SEXTOY, SLAVE, YOURS, YESSIR, PUDDIN, OWNED, BOYTOY, KITTEN, WITCH, BABYGIRL, CUMSLUT, BABE, DADDY, BABYGIRL, BITCH, SISSYSLUT, YETY, FETISH, FETD, GODDESS.